Co-programmed as part of Melbourne Fringe Festival 2024

Body of Knowledge

Body of Knowledge

This intimate and playful work, performed by teenagers who call into the theatre on mobile phones, is a powerful meditation on age and change: changes to bodies, changes in attitude, and changes to life.

Questions of boundaries, sexuality, pleasure, shame, pain, consent, ageing, grief, and death are all on the table as teens chat with the audience in real time from their bedrooms.

The intergenerational conversations that are set in motion forces us to rethink the multitude of ways in which knowledge is produced, acquired and shared. Power is re-organised and re-imagined. The teacher and the student, the adult and the child, the performer and the audience, begin to shift and entangle.

Together we are here, in this moment, trying to work it all out...

Body of Knowledge is a surprising, curious, and tender experience exploring how we pay attention (or not) to our own and others’ bodies existing across generations.

Co-programmed as part of Melbourne Fringe Festival 2024

Melbourne Fringe Logo


Saturday 5 October, 7.30pm
Sunday 6 October, 7.30pm
Tuesday 8 October, 7.30pm
Wednesday 9 October, 7.30pm
Thursday 10 October, 6.30pm


Bowery Theatre
St Albans Community Centre
33 Princess St, St Albans

Wheelchair Accessible
Assistive Hearing available


Tickets available via the Melbourne Fringe site here

For audiences aged 18 and over only

More info

Melbourne Fringe Festival 2024