The Queer Games Festival Showcase

The Queer Games Festival Showcase


Experience over 60 of this year's best games created by LGBTIQA+ developers from around the world.

Many are free and can be played right now on your phone or in a browser. Even if you are not a hardcore gamer there is something for everyone! There are contemporary ace games that could be set in your street, lesbian platformers, furry murder mysteries, coming-of-age tales, abstract strangeness, gay horror stories, cozy meditative nirvanas and more.

Pick a game and press play! This year's showcase is particularly non-gamer friendly with strong stories and easily accessible controls.

Queer games are at the forefront of both game design and LGBT culture. Artistic, political, heartfelt. It's a magical time and an amazing scene. Play a thousand queer games, live a thousand queer lives.

When & How

The Showcase is live on the Melbourne Queer Games Festival website
from 25 September through 13 October 2024


MQGF will be announcing their annual awards on 7 October 2024. See here for more information.